Monday, 2 November 2020

How To Mow Wet Grass: Top Tips


It is preferable to cut your lawn grass while it dries. But sometimes it is unavoidable and you need to cut the wet grass. In that case, you can use a lawn mower for wet grass to clean up your yard.

Wet grass is dull and becomes soft due to the rain, you have to mow the grass little by little not all at once. Use a sharp blade, not a dull one. If you use a dull blade instead of a sharp one you will not be able to mow it properly.

Top Tips to Mow Wet Grass


If you can’t avoid cutting your lawn’s wet grass, you need to prepare your mower for it. The following article will help you make the necessary adjustment to your mower that you need to cut the wet grass in your yard.

Keep The Mower Deck Clean

When you try to mow the wet grass, the spilled grass tends to stick under the deck. You can spray a silicone liquid under the mower deck to keep them from sticking. You can clean it by yourself.

Cleaning the deck yourself can be irritating. But if you add silicone liquid under the mower deck, it stops the grass from sticking. It is easier and safe to use this liquid then clean it by hand.

Sharpen The Dull Blade

A dull blade may work on the dry grass, but if you want to cut the wet grass you need a sharper blade for your mower. Because a dull blade can not cut the wet grass properly.

With a sharp blade, you can be sure that your mower cut the grass clean. A dull blade will not cut the grass at the same length. But with a sharper blade, you cut the wet grass easily and at the same length.

After you prepare your mower to cut the wet grass, you can follow these steps to cut the grass properly.

      You need to take it slow while you are mowing the wet grass. Your sharpened blade needs time to cut through the dull and wet grass. It will be harmful to your lawn if you rush it. 

      When you are cutting wet grass on your lawn, try to maintain a serial, which will help you to keep an even level of the grass. Which will maintain the beauty of your lawn. 

      If your lawn is too long, try not to cut it too short. Because if you do then it will harm the soil of your yard. Try to cut it one-third of the total length

Final View

If you mow wet grass continuously it can damage your lawn soil. Because rain downed soil is soft, it is good for your lawn if you can avoid it. So if you can wait for your wet grass to dry up then do it. If it is unavoidable then cut it but not on a regular basis.  

How To Mow Wet Grass: Top Tips

  It is preferable to cut your lawn grass while it dries. But sometimes it is unavoidable and you need to cut the wet grass. In that case, y...